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Tooth Ache - Toothache is a condition when it appeared pain in or around the teeth and jaw. The severity of the pain can vary from mild to severe. Toothache pain can be felt continuously throughout the day or can appear and disappear over and over again without any uncertainty.
Toothache pain often feels worse when people eat or drink (especially food or drinks hot or cold) and when the patient lying down at night.
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When a toothache, jaw area adjacent to the infected tooth will participate pain and palpable soft. Sometimes difficult to distinguish the source of pain. An example is the pain as coming from the ear in the case of lower molars infection and pain as coming from the sinus passages (air cavity behind the cheekbones and forehead) in the case of upper molars infection.

In addition to pain, other symptoms of toothache are:
Swelling around the infected tooth.
      Taste and foul odor from an infected tooth.
          Cause Toothache
            In the dental pulp of teeth there. Dental pulp is the innermost layer of the tooth structure composed of blood vessels and sensitive nerves. Toothache occurs when the pulp becomes inflamed. The cause of inflammation can be diverse, including:
              Tooth decay (this condition is often caused by surface cavities).
                An accumulation of pus in the base of the teeth caused by bacterial infection (abscess periapical).
                  Shrinkage of the gums.
                    Fractured tooth.
                      Patches that are damaged (the teeth never patched).
                        In addition to the dental pulp inflammation, there are a number of other conditions that can cause painful symptoms resemble a toothache, among them:
                            Periodontal abscess.
                              Injury to the temporomandibular joints (joints that connect the jaw to the skull).
                                Swollen gums or gum pieces due to teething.
                                  Ulceration of the gums.
                                    Teething (usually experienced by infants and children).
                                      Relieves Pain Teeth at Home
                                        Should see a doctor if you experience toothache to find out the cause and can be treated appropriately. But as long as you have not been able to see a doctor, there are several ways you can do at home to relieve toothache, among them:
                                          Clean between your teeth using dental floss or dental floss to clean out plaque and food debris stuck in between teeth.
                                            Gargling with warm water.
                                              Applying clove oil on the teeth or gums are sore.
                                                Applying antiseptics containing benzocaine on the teeth or gums are sore.
                                                  Compress the cheek with a cold pack if the toothache is caused by trauma to the tooth.
                                                    Taking analgesics are sold at pharmacies (eg, ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin). As a reminder, these drugs should not be used in a way be put directly on the gums because it could damage the gum tissue. In addition, aspirin should not be given to children aged under 16 years.
                                                      In the case of dental pain following, you are required to immediately see a doctor, that is if:
                                                        The pain lasts for more than two days.
                                                          Toothache is accompanied by symptoms of infection (eg, emit a foul odor, swollen gums become red, and pain while chewing).
                                                            • Toothache makes you so hard to swallow.
                                                            • Toothache makes it difficult to breathe.
                                                            • Dental pain accompanied by fever.
                                                            • Your pain when opening the mouth.
                                                            • Toothache with earache.
                                                            • Diagnosis Toothache
                                                                        The doctor will ask in advance about the symptoms you are experiencing, for example:
                                                                          • Where is the pain?
                                                                          • How severe is the pain felt?
                                                                          • When did the pain usually appear?
                                                                          • What makes the pain worse?
                                                                          • What makes the pain actually subsides?
                                                                                    Physical examination is very important. In this case the doctor will check the condition of the teeth, gums, tongue, jaw, sinuses, nose, throat, and even your neck. If necessary, examination by X-ray is performed. In addition to asking about symptoms, the doctor usually will review your medical history.
                                                                                      Toothache Treatment
                                                                                        Methods of treatment of dental pain by physicians will be determined to cause tooth pain itself. As an example:
                                                                                          The doctor will perform a root canal treatment (root canal) if the dental pulp ter Here the doctor will lift the infected pulp, and then topped with fillings. The purpose fillings is that the infection does not recur.
                                                                                            The doctor will perform fillings if dental decay and cavities. Before patched, rotting parts will be cleaned and sanitized from bacteria beforehand.
                                                                                              The doctor will perform the patch if the toothache is caused by damage to the previous patch. The remnants of the previous patch will be cleared first.
                                                                                                The doctor will perform tooth extractions if ways above treatment can not cure a toothache.
                                                                                                  There is a possibility that the doctor will perform a tooth extraction if the toothache is caused by the growth of new teeth sandwiched between other teeth and presses the jaws.
                                                                                                    Measures to Do to Prevent Tooth Pain
                                                                                                      Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, even if your teeth are still healthy, it is advisable to take preventive measures to anticipate toothache. The prevention efforts include:
                                                                                                        Your teeth checked to the doctor at least twice a year.
                                                                                                          Limiting consumption of sweet foods or drinks, such as chocolate, sweet cakes, and candies.
                                                                                                            Brushing teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste.
                                                                                                              Clean between your teeth with dental floss or dental floss.
                                                                                                                As a complementary action while ensuring mouth free of bacteria, end each brush his teeth by rinsing using mouthwash, if necessary.
                                                                                                                  Stop or reduce smoking. Besides damaging the lungs, smoking habit contributed to the negative impact of oral health.