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Architecture recognize Android, widgets, Framework, Libraries.

Android Architecture

Broadly speaking android architecture can be described and illustrated as follows:
Application and Widgets
  • Applications and widgets are the layer in which we relate to the application only, diamana usually we download the application and then we install and run the application, there is a core application teremasuk dilayer email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, etc. other. all applications are written using the Java programming language.
Application Framework
  • Android is "open development" android offers to developers or give the ability to the developer or give the ability for developers to build great applications and innovative. Developers are free to access through hardware, access to information resources, run background services, set alarms, and add status notifications and so on. developers have full access to the API framework as that of the core categories of applications, application architecture is designed so that we can easily reuse components already in use (reuse)

So that we can conclude Application Framework is adlah layer where application makers to develop / manufacture of an application to perform development / creation of applications that will run on systems of android, because on this layer applications can be designed and fabricated, such as content providers in the form of sms and phone calls.

The components included in the application framework are as follows:

  2. Content Provider
  3. Resource Manager
  4. Notification Manager
  5. Activity Manager
  • libraries
Libraries This is the layer in which features of android are usually the makers of the app to access libraries to run the application. walking on the kernel, this layer include a variety of library C / C ++ is like Libs and SSL, as well as:
Libraries for playback of audio and video media
    1. Libraries separately display management
    2. Libraries Grafhics include SGL and OpenGL for 2D and 3D graphics
    3. SQLite libraries for database support
    4. Libraries SSL and integrated Webkit web browser and security
    5. Libraries LiveWebcore include a modern web browser with engines embedded web view
    6. 3D libraries that include the implementation of OpenGL ES 1.0 API's
    • Android Run Time
    Layer that makes android app can be run where, in the process using Linux implementation. Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) is shaped machine base android application framework. In the android run time is divided into two parts:
    1. Core Libraries: android applications built in Java, while the Dalvik virtual machine as a virtual machine instead of java, so it requires a libraries that serve to translate the language of java / c which is handled by the core libraries.
    2. Dalvik Virtual Machine: Virtual machine optimized based registers to perform functions efficiently, which is a development that can make the linux kernel to perform threading and low-level management.
    • Linux Kernel
    Linux Kernel is the layer where the core of the operating system of android it was. contain system files that regulate proccesing system, memory, resource, drivers, and system-other android operating system. Linux kernel used android is linux kernel 2.6 Release if you want to learn linux kernel, you can download a free Linux kernel. The site

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