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Typical Papua Fish Gravy Food Yellow Add Sago Papeda - In addition to the typical grilled fish Serui, Yapen Islands Regency famous marine savory menu of mainland Papua savory no more no less delicious dish that is Papeda. Papeda is typical of Papua processed food ingredients such as corn starch, salt, sugar and water is boiled to become clear later served along with cooked tuna with salad dressing recipe savory yellow.

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Sagu Papeda di Tambah Ikan Kuah Kuning Siap Untuk Di cicipi

Add your sago Papeda in Kuah Yellow Fish Ready For In taste

For those of you who want to try this dish Papua style, you can mememasaknya by following the steps of the recipe papeda presentation style fish sauce Papua resepseperti below.

Sago flour, 100 grams
Water, 1000 cc
Salt, ½ tsp
Sugar, 1/2 tsp
How to Make Papeda Ala Papua

Dissolve corn starch in 300 ml of water, then add sugar and salt.
Boil remaining water is used to dissolve the sago to boil, then pour into a solution mixture of sago and stir gently until cooked sago.

If the sago mixture on top has become clear means a mixture of these materials have become papeda, but if it has not become clear you can cook it back on low heat while stirring evenly until clear. Remove and serve while warm.

Papeda dish is usually served ala Papua together with a complementary dish of fish sauce yellow. Here's how the presentation:

Ingredients Yellow Fish Kuah

Swordfish (wash, soak with lemon and salt), 500 grams
Lemon (squeezed), 1 piece
Kemang (siangi), to taste
Green chili (remove the core), to taste
Cooking oil (for frying), 2 tbsp
Lemongrass (crushed), 1 stalk
Bay leaves, 2 pcs
Boiled water, 600 ml

Fine Fish Seasoning Yellow Kuah

White onion, 2 cloves
Onion, 4 cloves
Pecans, 3 pieces
Ginger, 2 cm
Turmeric, 2 cm
Sugar, 1 tbsp
Salt, 1 tsp
sago palm

How to Make Gravy Yellow Fish

Blend the spices then sauteed with lemongrass and bay leaves until fragrant aroma wafted up to mature.

Then flush with water and let it boil.
Add back the stir fry dishes with fish, chili, sugar and salt. Cook until fish is cooked.
Lastly, add the basil and the lemon juice just before cooking is lifted, stir briefly and remove from heat.

Fish sauce ready to be served together papeda yellow.
Thus serving typical cuisine of Papua, papeda fish sauce of fish sauce recipe ala papeda Papua. Get recipes savory dish typical of other archipelago just on the Food Response, feels silky feels solid.