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Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common problem that often we experience and will usually improve within a few days. This condition is rarely a symptom of a more serious condition and is generally not a cause for concern.
Sakit Leher-Alodokter
Neck pain can come from the bottom side of the head to the side and over your shoulder and can spread to the arms and upper back. As a result of this condition, neck and head movements are limited and everyday activities can become difficult. There are several ways that you can do yourself for sore throat, namely:

Drink painkillers. To relieve the pain arising from neck pain, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen tablet drug, or can combine the two. In addition in the form of tablets, ibuprofen in the form of a gel can be applied on the neck pain.
Use pillows hard and low. Try to position the neck in a natural posture. Wearing a low and hard pillow can help get the position. The pillows are too high can make your neck feel sore because too bent neck position.

Do special exercises for the neck. This exercise aims to increase the range of motion that can be done neck and neck muscle strengthening overall. Movement can be done is by leaning your head up and down, or left and right tilting it to help stretch the muscles of the neck and overcome stiff neck.

Compress the neck with warm water. You can use warm water bottle or other cold pack to relieve muscle cramps and pain in the neck. Cold water can also be used to compress, depending on the resulting comfort to your body.

Avoid activities that need a lot of movement of the neck. Activities such as driving and driving motor can be interrupted when you experience neck pain. For a time, it is advisable to not engage in activities that require a lot of movement of the head and neck.
Noting neck posture. The position and posture of the neck in the move must be considered. Wrong position and posture can aggravate the pain experienced or even a wrong posture that is the cause from the beginning.

Conditions That Cause Neck Pain
Many things can cause neck pain, eg wrong sleeping position, working with a computer or laptop for a long time, muscle sprains and neck posture is wrong due to too often looked down or looked up. The tension in the neck muscles due to anxiety and stress can also cause neck pain. Here are some conditions that can cause neck pain:

Stiff neck. That is the condition when stiff neck in one position after waking from sleep and pain while trying to change the position. This condition is known as acute torticollis happens because the muscles of the neck injury. Causes of acute torticollis until now unknown, but could trigger factor for sleep without crutches neck or carry a bag or a heavy load on one side of the arm. This condition usually last between one to two days, but can sometimes occur during one week.

Pinched nerve. These conditions take more common in older people when the disc or the gap between the bones begin to lose water content in the elderly. As a result of the spinal disc becomes inflexible as before. Neck pain caused by a pinched nerve known as cervical spondylosis.

This condition is caused by one of the discs between the bones torn or shifted to nearby nerves that contribute disturbed. Painkillers can be given to relieve the symptoms, but some people are advised to do the surgery.

Pain in the neck injury can be caused due to an injury that occurred due to a car or motorcycle accidents, falls from heights, slips, direct blow toward the face, head and upper rear, or injuries that occur as a result of exercise. An injury that causes the occurrence of whiplash. Whiplash is a term used to describe neck whiplash injuries sudden head in one direction).

The impact of whiplash itself is neck pain, stiff neck, headache, and reduced neck movement.
Other medical conditions Below are medical conditions that can cause neck pain:
Narrowing of the spinal cord pathways.

Meningitis. Which is an infection of the meninges, or the protective membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

Flu. Conditions that could make the whole body feel pain, including neck.
Rheumatoid arthritis. Condition when there is chronic inflammation of the joints that causes pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Fibromyalgia. Conditions that cause the spread of pain in muscles and soft tissues.
Cancer and HIV. Both of these conditions will affect the weakening of the immune system.
Neck Pain Diagnosis
Here are some conditions that need to be alert and advised to immediately see a doctor to check:

If the pain can not be controlled with painkillers(k/d)