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With The Dishes, We Commonly Quipped Left Food

With The Dishes, We Commonly Quipped Left Food 

If we eat by using this plant, we will be leaving to food article with the picture on this plate, as if insinuating us a lot out there who are starving.

Internet Response - Although the world economy started to recover, but it is undeniable poverty is still a social problem that is prevalent in many countries, Including Indonesian. The high levels of poverty that drive the world food program (WFP) made a program called hunger plate or plate starvation.

Why starve palet? Yes, without realizing it is still a lot of world population is often a waste of food. Quite often we are often left food unaware if out there are still many people go hungry. With this movement, WFP pointed out painting on the side plate depicting starving people. This is so, any food left, you can see images of people fighting over food that you do not spend it.

The food you eat today may be cost- prohibitive for the poor.

Impressed by the simple, but this campaign turned out to reap millions response of the world's population. Evident from the plate photos uploaded in your facebook account WFP as reported, Sunday (4/9). has been getting like to hundreds of thousands and millions of time section.

You included the often left food?

Andi Rosita Dewi September 5/2016 06:05 painting on this plate quipped hard leaving your love of food.

If you use these dishes, you'll spend your food until it left. Although the world economy started to recover, but it is undeniable poverty is still a social problem that is prevalent in many countries around the world including Indonesia. the high levels of poverty that drive the world food program WFP made a program called hunger plate of plate starvation.