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Rat Meat Flavor Beef : It's Ten Fake food Made In China

Rat Meat Flavor Beef : It's Ten Fake Food Made In China - China is one of the largest countries in the world which is famous for counterfeit products. such as electronic goods, bags, clothing, and even that makes tantrum is palstic rice. it was not only rice falsified. Still there are a number of fake food products originating from china.  As food 10 quote from Elite Readers And Viralnova, Saturday (20/8) Following.

1. Vermicelli And Noodles False.

Almost 50 factories in goguan city, in 2010 was closed by local authorities for the use of rotten wheat and toxit chemicals to produce vermicelli. inspcetion against 35 other factories showed 30 of them producing substandard rice noodles. The producer are known to writen the rice is not worth eating.then mixing additives to produce noodles three time. 

2. Milk Melamine

Melamine is a chemical which has many industrial uses, but not for consumption. in 2009 53.000 chinese babies reportedly were poisoned dairy. products that contain melamine false. This turned melamine added to infant formula to increase the protein content of milk

3. Pork Is False

In 2011, a woman bought a pound of pork and meat found it emitted blue light. Analysis by local food safety official found that the pork was contaminated with bacteria phosphorescent. This bacterium was able to glow with light.

4. Fake Eggs

Using a mixture of material fabrication industry, some food companies in china are able to sell the fake eggs. Fake eggs made up of gelatin, water and food coloring. while the egg shell made of wax.

5. Walnuts Are Filled With Cement

These product are rampant found in china last year employee naughty unload the beans then fill with material such as cement and peanut shells reattached with glue. This false walnuts can be rife because the rising price of walnut dramatically in china over the years with the number of rising demand

6. Rat Meat Flavor Of The Beef

Over the past few years, more than 900 people in china have been arrested for trying to falsify rat meat. most of the rat meat sold as beef and is produced under very unhealthy conditions. According to police, the rogue traders typically use prohibited chemicals for processing meat and inject water to increas the weight.

7. Rice False

In 2011, regional media reported latest food scandals that ocurred in the chinese city of taiyuan, in shaanxi province, namely rice false. Fake rice is generally made from potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a synthetic resin that is formed such that resemble rice.

Such rice usually remain rigid even been cooked, it also can not be digested easily. Not only that, the fake rice is also known to be very dangerous. eat three small bowls equivalent to eating a plastic bag.

Rice was allegedly circulating in a number of countries. singapore media site, the strait times reported, the plastic rice has spread in asia, especially india,  indonesia, and vietnam. 

8. Fake Wine

China is one of the largest wine consumer in the world. But unfortunately a lot of adulterated wine found in china, especially in the suburbs where people do not have much knowledge about wine. the wine is nothing more than cheap fruit juice but was desgned and labaled with famous wine brand so that it looks expensive

9. Dumplings Filled With Cardboard.

In the 2007, the rampant spread of video that tell a trader in beijing who sells cardboard buns. the steamed bread soaked cardboard and allegedly using chemicals to soften the bread,and flavor pork so that the texture and taste like meat.

But the food regulatory authorities in beijing or beijing municipal food safety office said there was ni finding cardboard buns they produce. Cardboard in the content of steamed bread only 5 percent, it would be easily identified. Mock meat as it is also not easy to be chewed

10.  Chemical Know

Chinese Officials reportedly been shut down two factories out in wuhan, hubei province because of selling out a fake from chemicals. next thing you know these false then packaged and sold under the brand name other compainies taht produce original idea.Besides other rogue trader found even make out false by adding rongalite, industrial bleaching agent that can trigger cancer.