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Who Would Have Thought, This Artificial Sun Could Melt Any Creature

Who Would Have Thought, This Artificial Sun Could Melt Any Creature - Berlin, The sun became one of the stars in the center of the solar system that has an important role in human life. But who would have thought, could duplicate this giant ball designed by scientists? reported oddity central, Wednesday (12/042017), scientists in Germany, have turned on the 'artificial sun' biggest. this tool is able to melt and bake any creature in the world.

Artificial sun lamp was designed using short-arc Xenon 149 is capable of creating 10 thousand times the amount of radiation that the earth obtained. Scientists plan to use a device called 'Sunlight' is to produce hydrogen that is friendly to the climate and the environment. DLR, the german aerospace center, believes that the field of customized mirrors can be used to focus sunlight on to create a light energy reaction when hydrogen is extracted from water vapor. unfortunately, they do not know exactly how to do that, so they build sunlight to help conduct experiments in a small laboratory, meanwhile, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, but pure hydrogen gas appears to be very rare on earth, so the DLR hopes to use 'artificial sun' them to come up with a cost-effective way to produce more hydrogen. If successful, they hope to take advantage of natural solar energy instead of using rigs that require more electricity [oz]