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[Blogger Tips] Which One Is Better CPM or CPC?


Welcome ! 

Hi, Guys. Welcome to this thread. To Introduce myself, my web name is internet respon . Okey To the point, in accordance with the above title, I will explain briefly a little bit about where the heck the better programs between CPM or CPC ?

Note: Because both terms are also used on the two sides of advertisers and blogger, so here I explain the second term only on the side of blogger


Internet, allowing people around the world to obtain information very easily and quickly. Along with its development, the internet is no longer limited as a means to generate revenue. Not limited to any source, even hundreds of thousands of programs to earn money through the internet. of the many sources of income, there are some very popular, namely CPM and CPC.


CPM stand for cost per mille or sometimes called cost per thousand. In term of language, CPM can be regarded as pay per thuosand. That is, the blog owner will earn revenue for each time your ad is shown with income parameters, each a thousand time to appear.

For example, the blog gets Rp. 10,000 time the ad is shown (impressions) CPM revenue, the blog owner will get Rp. 20,000

CPC ? 

CPC or cost per click is a program that will pay the owner of the blog every time the ad is clicked by a visitor. Programs that could be considered a classic, is a program of the most widely used by the blog owner in Indonesia because of the easy of management.

For example, from Rp, 10,000 impressions, the blog gets 125 clicks with CPC revenue rate of Rp, 300. Thus from these clicks, the blog owner earning Rp. 37,500

Which One Is Better?

if seen from a simple calculation above, it can be concluded that the CPC was better. Unfortunately, to get ad click from visitor to the blog is not easy. There are many factors that determine the level of ad click (CTR). Moreover, generally, a special web CPC program has a slightly tighter system than the CPM web. CPC or CPM is generally not always suitable for all types of blogs.

Blogger, Which one is better, CPM or CPC ?

Suppose, for the CPC program, CPC is suitable for you who manage blogs with a niche or a specific category. For example, blogs that discuss about the gadget. On the corporate or professional CPC network,ads that they show almost always relevant to the content of the blog. we call it Adsense. Their smart system, capable of tracking and determining, which ads are appropriate for someone who visits a particular blog and at a certain time. From the blog with the type of gadget, ads that appear over the latest technology, eg about the latest phone deals or software that supports gadget, etc. Relevance of the ads to the ads displayed with the blog content is the main thing in the content of blogs, the greater the ratio of click to be gained. Automatic, income will also increase.

So how to blog without a category, hodgepodge? CPM is the right choice for blogs without category. visit the blog (Impression) is a major factor in the CPM program impressions on CPM program is also divided into two, namely RAW unique impressions and impressions.The differenc, basically two calculations, despite all impressions count, but generally, the CPM rate gained less than unique impression which only counts one visitor as a first impression. 

Examples of programs that tribal fusion CPM is now exponential. they have a large anough network. Where to be registered as a publisher therein, at least a blog must have pageviews (pageviwes) above Rp. 500,000 with no record of using a free subdomain, such as or Obviously this is quite heavy, especially for beginner blogger. But from their large netwrok, it is not strange if there bloggers have fairly lucrative income.


since the aerly days of advertising on the internet in 1994, there are a lot of development to date. Double click was acquired by the largest search engine, Google, is also a party to develop a platform and advertising program on the internet including CPC and CPM program.

An opinion, there is no program that actually correspond to the wishes of the user. for example, the CPC program. blogs that have any spesific, not necessarily getting a great clickthrough rate . we take an example, a blog with comic category. visitors who are visiting the blog, specifically aims to get the latest comics and read them online. in other words, there are no other thing they do but open a page-by-page of the blog, thus, in this case, blogs are more appropriately chose CPM program.

In conclusion, if the blog you manage more towords the less specific information, can choose CPM program. CPC if the blog you have a specific category. lastly, the CPM program, the quantity of visitors to the blog are the main ones, while the CPC program, the quality of the visitor who was instrumental.


it never hurts to experiment, not a problem if you lose some income from the experimental process that you do. simple things also need to be tested to maximize the revenue that would you and get. a few short thread from me, thank you for taking the time to read this thread.