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Tips To Recognize Fake News

Tips To Recognize Fake News

Facebook wants to stop the spread of false news. Learn more about The Facebook Perform. Facebook while trying to limit its spread, here are some tips on who should be on the alert:
  1. Do not immediately Believe Title: fake news news often has an interesting title is written in capital letters and with an exclamation point, if the claims seem surprising in the title can not be trusted, then the possibility is so.
  2. Perhaitkan News URL: URL false or made to resemble the original can be a warning sign of a fake news. fake news sites resemble the authentic Banta resources by slightly changing the URL. you can open the site to compare the URL with a reliable source.
  3. Investigate Source: Make sure the story was written by a source you trust has a good reputation for accuracy, if the story comes from an unknown organization, check the "About" they learn more.
  4. Observe if there are no wajar.Banyak formatting fake news sites have misspellings or awkward typesetting, read carefully to see these signs.
  5. Consider the picture: a fake news story often contain images or video is manipulated, sometimes the image is authentic, but the context is off, you can browse the photo or image to find out its origin.
  6. Check the date is: false Brita news may contain unreasonable chronology, or the date of the event that has changed.
  7. Check the proof: Check the source penngarang for accuracy of information, a lack of evidence or dependent on experts who are not mentioned by name may indicate a false news story.
  8. See Other Reports: If we have no other news sources report that sets forth the same story, it can indicate that the story is false, if the story was reported by several sources that you trust, then it is likely that the story is true.
  9. Is Such stories only joke ?: Sometimes difficult to distinguish fake news story with humor or satire, check whether the source is known to show parody, and whether the details of the story and tone gives the impression such news just a joke.
  10. Some Stories Intentionally Created One: Think critically about the stories you read, and just share the news that you know can be trusted.
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