Breaking News

Working For The One Stop Information And Fake

Working For The One Stop Information And Fake
By Adam Mosseri, VP, News Feed

Adam Mosseri

We know people want to see accurate information on facebook - and so did we.

Malicious false news for our community, it makes the world kuranng information, and erode trust. This is not a new phenomenon, and we all - technology companies, technology companies, media companies

, News, teachers have a responsibility to do our part in addressing it, On Facebook we are working to combat the spread of false news in three main areas:

  • Disrupt the economic incentive for the majority of fake news - Financially Motivated
  • Menbangun new products to curb false news; and
  • Helping people make better decisions when they face the false news.
Disrupting economic incentives

When it comes to combating false news, one of the most effective approach is to remove the economic incentive for traders misinformation, we have found that many financial, spammers make money by posing as a news publisher legitimate and postingn hoax to get people to visit their sites, which are often largely ad.

Some of the steps we take among other things:
Better identify false news through community fact-checking organizations and third parties so that we can limit the spread, which in turn, makes it uneconomical.

so difficult as possible for people posting fake news to buy advertising on our platform through strict enforcement of our policy. applying machine learning to help our response team to detect fraud and enforce our policy against spam accounts otentik.memperbarui our detection of fake accounts in faccebook, which makes spamming on a scale much more difficult.

Building a New Product

We are building, testing and iterating on new products to identify and limit the spread of false news. we can not be the arbiter of truth ourselves-it was not feasible given our scale, and it is not the role of kami.Sebaiknya, we are working on ways better to hear from our community and work together denngan third party to identify the fake news and preventing the spread on our platform.

Some jobs include:
Ranked improvement: we are always looking to improve the news feed to listen to what people tell us. we have found an opportunity like the fact that if you read an article to make people significantly less likely to share, which may be a sign that the story was misleading people in some way. we continue to test this signal and others in the rank news feed to reduce the prevalence of false news content.
Reporting more straightforward: We always rely on our community to determine what is valuable and what is not. we're testing ways to membaut easier to report false news if you look at the facebook, you can do by clicking on the top right corner posting.cerita characterized as a sham by our society then it might appear lower on your feed.
Working with partners: we believe provide labih context may help people decide for themselves what to believe and what to share, we have initiated a program to work with fact-checking organizations independent third party. we will use reports from our community, bersamadengan other signals, to submit a story for organizations ini.jika fact-checking organizations to identify the story as false, it will get marked as disputed and there will be a link to the appropriate article describes the mengapa.cerita has been debated also appear lower in the news feed.
Helping people make better decisions

although we are committed to do everything we can to reduce the spread of false news as close to zero as possible, we also need to ensure that we take steps to overcome when facing a hoax. for that we look for people looking to give more context about the story so that they can make a more informed decision about what to read, trust and sharing and ways to give people access to a further perspective on the topic they are reading.

Some of the work we have focused on include:

Facebook Journalism project: we berkomitman to work with news organizations to develop products together, providing tools and services for journalists, and help people get better information so they can make intelligent choices about what they read. We hold the key experts and organizations are already doing important work in this area, such as the walter cronkite School of jurnalitik and mass communication at arizona state university, and have listened to and learned to help decide what new research to fund. News denngan Literacy project work, we produce a series of public service announcements (PSAs) to help inform people on facebook about this important issue.

News integrity initiative: We have joined a group of more than 25 funders and participants-including academic leaders, non-profit and third party organizations-to launch news integrity inititive, a global consortium that focuses on helping people make informed judgment about the news that they online.Pendiripenyandang read and share this fund of funds $ 14juta including Facebook, crag Newmark philanthropic funds, the Ford Foundation, a democracy fund, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Tow Foundation, AppNexus, Mozilla and Betaworks. The mission of this initiative is to promote news literacy, to increase trust in journalism worldwide and to mennginformasikan public conversation. The initiative, which is managed by the CUNY Graduate School Of jurnalism, will mark applied research and projects, and meetings with experts indutri.Kita need to work in the industry to help this problem. Technology companies, media companies, educational organizations and our own communities can come together to help curb the spread of information slaah and false news. by focusing on three main bidanng described above, we hope we will make progress towards limiting the spread of a fake news and in building a greater community on facebook.