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Amazon's CEO: Complaining Is Not A Good Strategy

   (Foto: Reuters)

JAKARTA - Amazon's CEO: Complaining Is Not A Good Strategy - Amazon became a company that gains success. Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos, even threatened to set aside Bill Gates position as the richest man in the world. thanks to Amazon, Bezos is able to reap a fortune of up USD84, 6 Billion, as reported by Bloomberg. but of course. the success he now enjoys not easy to get.

Previously, Bezos sold books via the internet. he operates his business in his own garage. initially, Amazon has a Cadabra name, but people often mistakenly hear it as a cadaver which means a corpse or carcass. Bezos later changed its name to Amazon in the hope of developing an area of the Amazon River.Bezos seems to be persistent in building his business. He even believes that complaint is not a strategy or a way to realize dreams.such as quotes from Bezos quote Okezone from various sources. "what we need to do depends on the future" that is, when the world change around you and when the change to you are so great, you have to deepen it and find out what to do because complaining is not a strategy," Bezos said. [Kem]