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Workers Who Join The Demo Start Moving to Gedung Sate Bandung

BANDUNG - a number of workers from various union and organizations began to come to the front of Gedung sate Bandung on Monday (1/5/2017) afternoon, to demonstrate commemorating international work 2017 (mayday) 

The group of workers who have arrived at Gedung Sate is the Association of Indonesian Merdeka workers union (Gasperinto), then the federation of electronic metal workers union and the Indonesian worker's trade union (FSP LEM SPSI), the national workers union (SPN) of west java and other.

Before arriving at Gedung sate Bandung, laborers from FSP LEM SPSI west java gathered at tugu monument perjuangan Bandung. meanwhile, in front of the main entrance Gedung Sate Bandung there are three pickup cars to be used by as a place of speech.

Until 12.00 WIB, the group of workers continued to arrive at the Governor and Vice Governor Office of West Java and Jalan Diponegoro Bandung City began to close for a while and the police looked guard behind the fence Gedung sate to Secure the action.