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Why bring healthier food from home?

Why bring healthier food from home?


Guaranteed freshness of food ingredients, processing method are also healthy, is certainly food that was prepared themselves will be healtheir.

The ingredients are safer and fresh

The food was prepared within the course under our control that can be selected ingredients fresh and safe from preservatives.

Home Creativity

Often we get bored with the menu that's it in the office canteen or eating place near the office. with the provosion taken alone, we can prepare a personalized menu. in addition, by bringing lunch we can also be more creative in menucreation and beautify supplies we carry.

More different

Dhises are prepared myself with food purchased, is certainly much cheaper cooked themselve. the price could be two or three tim, you know. by bring their own lunc, the savings you can make. not to mention the energy-saving, no need to go out much.


Bring lunch is also much more pratical, since yo do not have to look for food outside, when he was busy struggling with the work, and suddenly  goes belly to be filled, you just eat your lunch.


If the office a lot of friends who take stock, you can exchange the menu. this will strengthen your frienship with co-workers. it could even be arrenged so that each take stock that can be mutually adjusted. believe me the proverb, from the bully up to the heart

Environmentally Friendly

Bring your own lunch automatically saved in the lunch box that can be washed and used again. Especially if you take your own drinking bottle also. This means that you contribute to the environment, do not need to wear wrappers, styrofoam, or plastic which adds to the trash.?

That post about why bring food from home is more healthy.
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