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Tips to Build Consumer Trust in Online Selling

  • Product Description Clear and Complete
    In addition to the obvious and include an image of the original, you must also provide a description of each product you sell. provide clear descriptions and complete. And lest you are wrong in writing a description of let alone to lie. Such as you sell the smartphone where the smartphone actually tends distributor warranty, but that consumers are more interested in a descriptive citing official warranty. it is for 1 or 2 transactions will be consumers who were deceived, but after that consumers will not buy again in your store. The bad impact when consumers give testimony when they say this store deceive the other prospective customers will be alarmed by the online store a clear and complete description can minimize queries from consumers, because if the price, size, type, warranty, color and everything needed something already given, the consumer will not ask again, maybe ask and so forth, that are just a confirmation.
    • Easy On Consumer Contact.
      When consumers are interested in products that are in want, consumers will find a contact can be in contact, rest assured consumers here really need a fast response from you. If consumers ask jam7 morning, at least you've answered consumer questions at 8, not to make customers wait long for just one question only. You must precede answer consumer questions from consumers run into another online store, the same as an item that we sell.
      • product warranty
        Product warranty is one form of responsibility of the seller consumers really like the product is no guarantee, not Because of perishable, but to Overcome item is damaged or occur in the future. It is not a guarantee of all goods, such as clothing, for example, if the goods are as a smartphone then the warranty is automatically there. Warranty is meant here is the warranty of your own as the seller, such as one of the products.With the warranty guarantee at least you have to provide security and comfort for consumers. Increased consumers of course if you provide a warranty like this.
        • Product warranty
          Product warranty is one form of responsibility of the seller consumers really like the product is no guarantee, not because perishable, but to overcome item is damaged or occur in the future. It is not a guarantee of all goods, such as clothing, for example, if the goods are as a smartphone then the warranty is automatically there. Warranty is meant here is the warranty of your own as the seller, such as one of the products.With the warranty guarantee at least you have to provide security and comfort for consumers. of course consumers increased if you provide a warranty like this.
          • Include Customer Testimonials
            provide a special page that contains testimonials from customers who have been shopping is a good thing because, with the real testimonials from customers, consumers can assess how the goods and services you. great if the testimony of goods and services that you provide. Even better if the testimony of goods and services right on the page, so the testimony is more targeted and consumers can assess with. do not hesitate to add this testimony menu, if indeed you well and your product quality, must have their testimonies make your shop more reliable.
              That's a few tips to get consumer confidence in the online business world if you currently own professional online store yet still a quiet transaction, Sometimes you open stores in several major online stores like OLX and others. because the online store has been reliable throughout Indonesia. and it could be one of your references to get consumers who really need something good.

              Online Shopping

              The online store, so much demand nowadays, due to easy, attractive, most in demand is due to the capital without the mode, which we sell have others, which is more known as DhropShip. Because our nature is online and not face to face with buyers here was expensive with the name "KeperA fiduciary

              a fiduciary is a very important nature, where the nature of this trust does not appear unless the evidence has been there, as well as in the business world, trust is in need, especially in consumer confidence to sellers of goods. In general, consumers have to pay in advance when shopping onlie, new goods are sent to the destination address.

              That there is a problem is the barng sent or not, well this is where the role of consumer confidence will make transactions without fear of goods not on the left. Therefore trust is very important and we are trying how to get kepercayaandari consumers.

              With the confidence of consumers who want to buy barng we sell, this also applies not only to shop online, offline stores even though. hence why trust is very important and a major capital online store owners, because the consumer confidence was the merchandise can be sold in the market.

              To gain consumer confidence is not easy, because consumers can only see the items that are sold through a photograph or a maximum of a video.Tentu consumers are more cautious, Feared goods do not accord with that in a photo or video, more frightening if the goods not sent while the payment has been settled.

              So how to be a trusted online retailer and consumer preferences? the following I will share information on how to build consumer confidence in the online store Which might be useful for all of us.
              how to Build Consumer Trust in Online Selling.

              • Every first time you shop online

              Sure consumers find stores that really trustworthy, then the consumer will menyseuaikan with the needs or in carinya.Namun do you know if the first impression that is noticed by consumers is the online storefront. With a simplified user interface and navigation is clear, consumers will be comfortable in selecting the goods. That means a professional appearance is in need. konsuman usually see the domain of the website address, the domain of professional konsimen paliing do not believe that the website is trustworthy. Try not to use a free domain when building an online store, consumers today clearly understands jijual buy online with free domain prone to fraud. The point is how consumers can be comfortable when selecting a menu or navigation barng and can be accessed easily. Because if the consumer is already comfortable in the online sites you can be sure the greater percentage of the transaction. therefore keep consumer confidence to us so that we get a lot of visitors on a blog or website that really will give us an advantage in selling online.

              • The picture is clear and original

              Figure mandatory include when we sell online, because without the picture how consumers know to see the goods, though not see directly, at least by looking at the picture later barnag consumers can know who bought what. As an online store owner a good idea to take the original image of the goods are sold. photos of items using a good camera that detail the goods look, make sure to include a picture of more than 2 pictures in photos from all sides, as more and more pictures customers can see goods from various sides. If you take a picture of another online store or the Internet, then when the delivered goods are not the same as the original condition, consumers will protest or minimal upset and not buy again in your online store. If you are sure of quality goods we sell, why still include the fake photo. Just include the original photograph, because honesty is strong of need in selling online, here the main capital is honesty, as between buyers and sellers do not transact directly but rather is a trust. you have to keep it well if you want your online store crowded visit people who really want to buy something at your online store.