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The Step Of Adding Ads On The Blog Or Website

back again with the internet response, this time I want to share with you how to add ads in the blog or our website. let see good step here.

Login to your blog.

from the dashboard blog, select template-> Edit HTML -> do not forget to check Expand template. My advice should be backed up advance your template.

After that, look for the code <data:post.body/>. For simplicity, use CTRL + F to find the <data: post.body/> 

When you find the <data: post.body/>, attach the code below the above code <data: post.body/>

<Div style = "float: left;"> place your ad code here </div>

After that, replace the next with the color red on my friend's advertising code. if you want your ad's position on the left post, then continue to use the code as above. But if you want to be on the right side of the blog post, please change the blue color writing with the "Right" without the quotes.

Note: before installing the ad code in edit HTML, the code should be parsed firts. Please read the instruction parse pal ad code in article parse ad code blog.

When finished, please save template buddy and see the result. How, is not it.