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Get Acquainted With Leaf Sirih, The Green Area Guard Of Femininity

We must be familiar enough with betel leaf. although not holding or using the leaves physically, but betel leaf is often a content in a variety of product used daily.

Betel leaf or piper betel is a native Indonesian plant that has been famous from the time of our ancestors. Betel leaf is often used as a medicinal plant to treat various diseases such as a cough, bad breath, nosebleeds, even to whiteness. This is because the betel leaf contains antiseptic which can inhibit bacterial growth.

Well, for the whitish problem, betel leaf has always been a natural alternative to overcome it. whitish is usually caused by bacteria that grow in the area of femininity. To treat it, you simply boil the betel leaf in a water bath and rinse the femininity area with boiled water betel leaf.

The betel leaf contain an antiseptic derived from a substance derivative named phenol called kavikol which has a fivefold antiseptic capability of the antiseptic in ordinary phenol.

Natural antiseptic protection is indispensable to us as Indonesian women, because the tropical climate tends to heat, making the body easy to humid, especially in the area of bacteria increases rapidly and can cause itching, irritatiion, even to abnormal whiteness in the area of fimininity.

Plus, the pads and pantyliner should be replaced at least every three hours. hewever,due to busy activities, such as day-to-day office meetings, stuck journey, taking care of hoesework, and taking care of childdren, it often makes us forget to replace the sanitary napkins. in fact, after three hours, the bacteria begin to grow and develop rapidly.

No need to worry, PT softex Indonesia has its solution is softex leaf betel. with natural betel leaf extract makes softex leaf betel effectively inhibits bacterial growth. in addition, the ability to absorb 1 second makes the surface remains dry and comfortable during menstruation.

The newest innovation is softex leaf betel 3 in 1. there are three types of pads in one package, from ukurang a short 23 cm, until the long 29 cm, and 36 cm, plus, there are pantyliner bonuses as well. very practical for 1 cycle needs.

On ordinary days and before prayers, you can use softex pantyliner leaf betel to keep the faminine area clean and dry throught the day.

So, keep the helath of our feminine area with softex leaf betel, for healthy clean, free worry.