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Be Careful, There Are 32 Villages In Ogan Illir That are Prone To Forest And Land Fires

Be Careful, there are 32 Villages In Ogan Illir that are prone to forest and land fires 

PALEMBANG - Ogan Ilir regency, south Sumatera currently has 32 villages prone to forest and land fires so it should always be anticipated.

Based on data collection and fire experience last year, the forest around the villages is prone to burning, as stated by the Ogan Ilir regent implementer, Ilyas panji alam during a special coordination (Karhutla) in Palembang, Friday (28/4/2017)

He said that his side contunued to record the villages where the forest area is prone to burn to be made a post. local communities are also empowered for prevention efforts, not only that, his side also routinely conduct patrols to know the development of hotspots that arise in the new autonomous region districts ogan komering ilir, south sumatera.

it also created a water storage canal that can be utilized when the dry season arrives.