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System Overview Information and Information Technology

Science - General description sistem information and information technology - Venturing talks provide an overview of information systems with a number of examples of information systems and then discuss the definition of the information system, as well as a variety of reasons on system usage information. Moreover, this time will discuss about give sense its position in the information technology and information systems. With this reader should be able to understand the meaning of information systems and information technology.

Overview Information System

Many human activities associated with information systems. not only in developed countries, in Indonesia any more information systems applied everywhere; office, self-service market, to the airport, and even at home when a user interacted with the internet or via mobile phones. Whether we realize it or not, the information system has helped many men.

The following are examples of information systems

The reservation system aircraft
Used in travel agency to serve reservations / ticketing and nature Online By using a web application, people will be traveling by plane can membelli tickets to the airline site directly.

Sistem Informasi Reservasi Tiket Pesaawat Terbang

  • For Information Systems menengani credit sales of motor vehicles that can be used to monitor the accounts of customers. Such systems facilitate the payment officers in serving its customers.
  • Biometric Information System to prevent unauthorized persons entering the underground facilities or access confidential information, by analyzing fingerprints or retinas. Currently the fingerprint reader is used as a system of employee presence.

Recognizing Information Systems Biometric fingerprint that
  • The information system Point-Of-sale / POS are applied in most supermarkets with barcode reader support is intended to expedite service to customers and enable supply of goods can be known by the officer quickly.
  • That is the general picture of its information systems and example, may be useful for the readers of this article.