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Etymology Borobudur Temple

Indonesian, ancient temples are referred to as candy; thus locals refer to "Borobudur Temple" as Candi Borobudur. The term candy also loosely describes ancient structures, for example, gates and baths. The origins of the name Borobudur, however, are unclear, although the origin names of most ancient Indonesian temples are no longer known. The name Borobudur was first written in sir Thomas Raffles's book on Javan history. Raffles wrote about a monument called Borobudur, but there is no older document suggesting the same name. The only old Javanese manuscript that hints the monument called budur as a holy Buddhist sanctuary is Nagarakretagama, written by Mpu Prapanca, a Buddhist scholar of a Majapahit court, in 1365.

Most candies is named after a nearby village. If it followed Javanese Language conventions and was named after the nearby village of the bore, the monument should have been named "BudurBoro". Raffles though that budur might correspond to the modern Javanese word Buda "ancient" -i.e., "ancient Boro". He also suggested that the name might derive from boro, meaning "great" or "honorable" and budur for Buddha. However, another archaeologist suggests the second component of the name (budur) comes from Javanese term buddha. "mountain"

Another possible etymology suggests that Borobudur is a corrupted simplified local Javanese pronunciation of biara beduhur written in Sanskrit as vihara buddha uhr the term buddha-uhr could mean "the city of buddhas", while another possible term beduhur is probably an old Javanese term, still survived today in Balinese vocabulary, which means "a high place", constructed from the stem word dhuhur or luhur (high). This suggests that Borobudur means vihara of buddha located on a high place or on a hill.

The construction and inauguration of a sacred Buddhist building - possibly a reference to Borobudur - was mentioned in two inscriptions, both discovered in kedu, temanggung regency. The kara ng Tengah inscription, dated 824, mentioned a secred building named Jina laya (the realm og those who have conquered worldhy desire and reached enlightenment), inaugurated by pramodhawardhani, daughter of samaratungga. the tri tepusan inscription, dated 842,  is mentioned in the sima, the (tax-free) lands awarded by cri kahulunan (pramodhawardhani) to ensure the funding and  maintenance of a kamulan called bhumisambhara. kamulan is from the word mula, which means "the place of origin" a secred building to honor the ancestors, probably those of the sailendras. Casparis suggested that bhumi sambhara bhudhara, which  in sanskrit means "the mountain of combined virtues of the ten stage of boddhisattvahood" was the original name of borobudur.