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An easy way to change the domain .com in niagahoster.

The price offered in the niagahoster domain is very cheap when compared to another domain provider. it is my view of the price of .com domain and some other domain that did happen to me check the price. While for some other domains, the less I pray attention, because at this site, unfortunately, it is not an available table domain price list. So we have to check one by one when we want to know the price of each domain in niagahoster. 

An easy way to change the domain .com in niagahoster.

The domain that we buy from the website domain and hosting provider, we can use as the web address of the hosting that we have, as well as Switch the address of our blog on Blogspot.

If we want to change the address of our blog on Blogspot, so disappear and be replaced with another domain such as .com. So the first thing we should do is have a .com. domain first. For guidance on how to buy a domain in niagahoster you can read my other articles: purchase a domain in niagahoster. Once we have a domain that wa want, then the next step just do a few settings on blogspot account already niagahoster we buy. I myself prefer to call these measures as the three major steps, because three are three big steps we have to do to make the adjustment. here are the steps detail how to replace the domain to be the domain .com in niagahoster.

In developing a more professional website that we need a more professional domain. these domains are a variety of types and are divided into several levels, namely root level domain. Top Level Domain (TLD), second level domain, and third-level domain. One of the most famous and probably most often you see the domain, which is one types of TLD domain of the domain level. these domain can be obtained in the domain provider sites with free or paid, for example niagahoster sites.

Go To Setting Blogspot

Sign in to your blogspot setting is the first step we have to do after we bough the domain. At this stage we are aiming to get the code CNAME from blogspot blog thet we have, then the codes are input into the domain setting of the domain provider we already believe. To obtain a blogspot blog CNAME code that we have, we should be heading submenu "base" in the manu "setting. note the follow image" : 

In the publishing field, Click the link labeled set up a third-party URL. then enter the domain name that, you have purchased in the field that appears. then click SAVE

After you click save, it will display an ERROR message. while at the bottom will appear CNAME code blogspot blog that we have. this code will be important we need in the domain provider we choose.