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Guardian Of The Children Coop In Subang Killed When Ngecharge Mobile

SUBANG - A Guardian of a chicken coop in Subang district found dead with a mobile phone stuck to his chest A man named Dadan (25) was killed by electric shock while charging his cell phone battery.

The resident of surade of sukabumi regency was found dead in Gunawan chicken cage in Kampung Kaliangsana Village, Kalijati subdistrict, Subang Regency on Sunday (30/4) then at 09.00 WIB

"The victim died with the condition of the wound is quite serious according to the results of the examination, the victim was killed by an electric shock when ngecharge his handphone," said Subang Police Chief Yudhi Sulistianto Wahid Via Short Message, Monday. (1/5/2017)

Yudhi said Dadan was found dead by his colleagues while about to give chicken feed the victim's partner was about to make the victim who was seen asleep near the chicken coop.

"Her friend feels suspicious because of the smell of rotten and found the victim was in a state of death with the position on the body, " Said Yudhi

When the body position is reversed, he said, dadan's condition is terrible. the abdomen is open and there are burn in the chest to the right side of the neck.

"In the right chest the victim is still attached to the phone being in-charge," he said

Police who received direct reports doing the crime scene (TKP). the victim was examined by inafis Polres Subang.

"From the result of the external examination, there is no sign of persecution. Certainly, the victim died of electric shock," He Said

Yudhi added, now the victims have been brought the family for burial.

"The family refused to undergo an autopsy and considered the incident as a disaster," He Said