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Get To Know Hoax News Throught These 7 Charactaristics

JAKARTA - News hoax or hoax that disturbs lately turned out yo have some common traits. The following are the seven characteristics of the hoax news, the vienna version of armada sukardi, the secretary of the central PWI honorary council who was also a member of the press council for two periods.

The firts feauture of hoax news, says vienna, is generally proclaimed sensasionally. in a sense, his article intrigue people's feelings and emotions.

secondly, the content is provocative. It's common to use the word 'Spread!' or 'fihgt!'
"Vienna said on monday, may 1, 2017."

Vienna unrevals, the third characteristics lies in its aspect of life. according to him, hoax news is like-like.. Old news can he raise again, rewritten as a new event occured. while the fourth, the source of news that is published is not clear.

"fifth, it containt discriminative elements, the goal is to discredit other parties, on the one hand to glorify the other side," said the teacher of communication law at tarumanegara university.

He contuned, the sixth feature of hoax news seen from the style of writing that inserted signs. for example, there are upper and lower case letters in the title.

seventh, vienna believes that the hoax news has gone through the editing process. in a sense , there is information that has been cut or added without necessity.

To that endm he hopes the public is alert to the flood of information on social media. He believe, socializing hoaxes to the younger generation can provide more improvement for the nation and country.