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Appear Consistenly In The Last Two Race

JEREZ - Yamaha tech 3 team rider Johan Zarco admitted he did not want to be lulled by the positive results he archived in the last two series of MotoGP 2017 in Argentina and the United Stated. That he convey ahead of the ongoing Spanish GP that will take place this weekend. present as a new racer in MotoGP this reason, Zarco successfully recorded a pretty brilliant achievment. because in Argentina and the united state, he managed to make a surprise by always finish in the fifth position.

"I still have a job ahead of me, but right now I just enjoy and enjoy it," said zarco, quoting from speedweek, Tuesday (02/05/2017). he also targets himself to be on the podium in MotoGP this season. however, reluctant ngoyo, Zarco realize that it can be achieved slowly "I've never won and I'm not on the podium, but I think it will come step by step," he concluded