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Thought Theif, His Child In Shoot Police To Death

BENGKULU - The police have not been able to perform many inspection actions related to the case of a shoot that occurred in Bengkulu. The reason, AIPTU BS who shoot himself, has not known the content.

"the goods are not transported, the mobile phone is in the car so it can not be contacted, he is shocked, but want to calm himself," said Head of public relation of Bengkulu police AKBP Sudarno when contacted on Wednesday (26/4/2017) night

Sudarno said today the AIPTU BS child, BA (14), will be buried. sudarno also hopes Aiptu BS can come to his funeral.

"It is expected that his father was present at the funeral," Said Sudarno

Related to the examination is still a grieving situation and check will be done once Aiptu BS is detected.

"We have not talked because we have not talked about the examination yet, the mother is still grieving after he (Aiptu Bs) is examined and find the chronoly," Sudarno Said

The incident happened on tuesday (25/4) yesterday at the aiptu  BS residence on jalan sumatera 5, sukamerindu sub district, bengkulu. the incident took place around 04.00 pm

At that time,Aiptu BS was taturi, but the dark conditions for Aiptu BS can not be guaranteed clearly and eventually opened fire.

Later, it turn out that the Aiptu BS shot is the fish itself. Aiptu BS was immediately brought his son to Bhayangkara Polda Bengkulu Hospital to do the visum. At the same time Aiptu BS handed over firearms to Kompol harry Irawan (subdit renata Reskrim Polda Bengkulu) then left