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North Sumatera Police Deployed Personel To Southeast Aceh Flood Area

North Sumatera Police Deployed Personel To Southeast Aceh Flood Area

Banda Aceh - Dozens of police officers deployed to the two provinces of flash floods and landslides in southeast Aceh district. Apparatus help residents clean up residual material in the flood disaster area.

At least 20 personal assistance operation control (BKO) from Aceh Police and 60 troops from the north Sumatera police today scheduled to arrive at the disaster site. This amount does not include the combined forces of  TNI / POLRI originating from southeast Aceh.
BKO from SU and Aceh Police assisted cleaning rock and wood material from the mountains, "said Head of Logistics section Emergency BPBDs Southeast Aceh, Mary, told Okezone, Thursday (13/04/2017).

Flash floods occurred on Tuesday, April 11,2017 the mud from the mountains into the neighborhoods, In addition, the material rock and woody debris come crashing and damaging hundreds of houses.

A total of 176 homes were heavily damaged, 91 moderately damaged and 139 homes with minor damage. this amount does not include the destruction of two houses of worship, school, and offices village in two districts affected, Lawe Sigala-gala and semadam.

Meanwhile, as a result of this disaster at least 2,476 inhabitants of 648 heads of families forced to flee to evacuation shelters have been built of the local BPBDs officer. This natural disaster struck at least 11 villages in two local districts.

"Many houses are exposed to mud even up to the roof of the house community," he said [o/z]