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How To Add Youtube Emded Into Your Blog or Web

How To Add Youtube Emded Into Your Blog or Web

Embed Youtube

Emded Videos & Playlist

Embed a Video 

  1. On a Computer, go to the youtube video want to embed
  2. Under the video, click Share
  3. Click Emded
  4. From the box that appears, Copy The HTML Code
  5. Paste the code into your blog or website HTML 

Embed a Playlist

  1. Sign in to your Youtube account on a computer
  2. On the playlist side of the page, Click Playlist
  3. For the playlist, you want to embed, Click its Title
  4. Click Share
  5. Click Embed
  6. From the box that appears, copy the HTML Code
  7. Paste the code into your blog or website HTML

Manage Video Embedding Option

  • Turn on privacy-enhanced mode
When you turn on privacy-enhanced mode, youTube won't store information about visitor on your website unless they play the video

Make Embedded Video Play Automatically

To make an emdedded video autoplay, add "&autoplay=1" to the video's emded code right after the video ID (These series of letter that follows "v/").
The embedded video that is autoplay doesn't increment video views.


<iframe width="560" Height="315" src=" Https://" frameborder="0" Allowfullscreen></iframe>

Start an embedded video at a certain time

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="420"></iframe>

Add Caption to an embedded video

Make caption automatically appear for emdedded video by adding "&cc_load_policy=1" to the video's emded code.

You can also choose a caption language for the emdedded video. To specify the caption language for the video that you'd like to emded, just add "&cc_lang_preff=fr&cc_load_policy=1" to the video's emded code.
  • "cc_lang_pref" sets the language for the caption shwon in the video. 
  •  "cc_load_policy=1" turn captioncode for french. You can look up 2-letter language codes in the ISO639-1 standard
Turn off embedding for your videos.
If you've uploaded a video and don't want to allow others to emded your video on external sites,follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Video Manager
  2. Go to the video you want to turn off embedding for and click Edit
  3. Under the video, Click Advanced Settings.
  4. Under "Distribution Option,"Uncheck the Allow embedding checkbox.
  5. Click Save Change