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Found Founded In Nusa Dua Beach Bali Apprently Tourism Schol Lecturer

BADUNG -  A lecturer at one of  Bali's tourism high school (STP), I Gusti Ngurah Putu Budiasa (47) was found dead at waterblow beach, nusa dua, bali. Police are still studying the chronology of budiasa's death on the beach.

Found Founded In Nusa Dua Beach Bali Apparently Tourism School Lecture

Based on the report of the public that there is a floating corpse at sawawawa  Harvest beach, waterblow precisely, said Kapolsek South Kuta, KOmpol I Wayan Latra When a visitor of waterblow beach was in the middle of recreation. Then the witness saw a human body floating.

The witness then reported his findings to the ITDC security in Nusa Dua directly contacting the authorities. Soon, south Kuta Police officers arrived at the location along with Basarnas and members of polaurid.

The corps was successfully evacuated and was identified as a lecturer at tourism high school in Badung. Jasad Budiasa was then taken to RSUP sanglah, Denpasar, For autopsy purposes.

Furthermore, this case is handled by polairud Polresta denpasar, Said Latra.