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Cucumber consumption Will Prevent Cancer

Cucumber Photos: By InternetResppon

Cucumber consumption Will Prevent Cancer - Jakarta, Indonesia people must know cucumbers. besides tasty, the vegetable is often served as vegetables have proved very useful for health. One of them as a cancer preventive. curious?

Cucumber is a vegetable that originated from south Asia, most of its content is water. Green vegetables also contain natural substances called lignans (Pinoresinol, lariciresinol, and Seco iso lariciresinol), as well as cucurbitacin.

Prevent Cancer

The research proved that the lignans in cucumber can reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease. The other good news, which is relatively inexpensive vegetable is also able to suppress the growth of cancer cells in the human body.

There are a few types of cancer that are known to be suppressed by this magical substance.Some types of cancer are breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.

Meanwhile, cucurbitacin on cucumber have no tumor properties in cancer cells. thus, this substance may halt the progression of life of cancer cells and their ability reproduce themselves.

Not Just cancer

In Addition to cancer, cucumber is also good to prevent dehydration. Because, as noted earlier, most of the vegetable component is made up of water.

Not Finished, in fact, cucumber can also help you lose weight. this is because the cucumber contains less calories and high in fiber, so they can make fuller longer and expedite your digestive system.

See set of benefits, from this point you should not forget to include cucumber into the daily menu. By doing so, your risk of cancer or other dangerous disease are becoming smaller, and also keep your weight ideal.[K/d]