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A Typical Dutch Appletaart

A Typical Dutch Appletaart


300-gram self-raising flour
200-gram of unsalted butter
150-gram of sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk powder and vanilla powder


+/- 1 kg or 4-5 apples
50 grams of sugar
vanilla to taste
100 grams of raisins
1-2 tsp cinnamon
1-2 tablespoon lemon juice
Bread crumbs
1 egg yolks for garnish


Skin: Put all the ingredient then knead. put the dough into the refrigerator for a few minutes (approximately 10 - 15 minutes).

Content: Peel apples, cut into small pieces.
combine with vanilla sugar, raisins, and cinnamon. sprinkle with a little lemon juice, so the apple will not turn into chocolate.

Prepare a baking sheet size of 24 cm, give bread or butter.

Take 3/4 dough, place the dough on the baking sheet and neatly till the edges but not too thick. add a mixture of apples.

1/4 dough in the roll lengthwise than the above order like a net. grease on top with egg yolks.

Bake in oven 170 C for 45-60 minutes.

How to serve can be stored in the refrigerator or eaten warm. this apple tart can be served with cream or vanilla ice cream as a hot tea or coffee companion.